Japanese Takatsuki products are the embodiment of ideal sound and technical perfection. Sold by Alex Sound Technology — the official distributor of Takatsuki products in the US. Takatsuki TA−2A3 Ultimate Valves for Audio Unprecedented High-Precision Vacuum Tubes reincarnated by Japanese Semiconductor Manufacturer. Takatsuki Electric Co. Ltd., the sole Japanese manufacturer of vacuum tubes for High-End Audio, enjoys a long 60-year history in manufacture of semiconductors and electronic devices, though today it’s mainly engaged in production of LED elements. In fact, we started our business with manufacture of the vacuum tubes for CRTʼs, taking part in supply of the “National” valves that are highly reputed even today among discerning audiophiles. In 2008, getting back to our starting point, we launched the very project “Reincarnation of Tubes” utilizing our top-notch high precision and advanced technology, and finally succeeded in resurrection of the legendary WE300Bs and WE274Bs in the form of contemporary, sublime and truly state-of-the-art valves. Ideal perfection realized by select components of the best quality and highest precision through exhaustive R&D of raw material and its processing method. Each and every tube is manufactured and assembled with the utmost care using choice materials and under stringent quality control in our own plant in Japan. Specifications Configuration Directly heated power triode Filament Voltage/Current 2.5V / 2.5A AC or DC Plate Voltage 250 V Maximum Plate Voltage 300 V Maximum Plate Dissipation 15 W Grid Voltage −45 V Plate Current 60 mA Quest for the best available quality Our tubes vaunt of 100% “Made in Japan” components and production. In clean rooms only the skilled expert craftsmen manually assemble each tube, from parts control up to final inspection, using proper exquisite technique instead of automated mass‐production. This is the final conclusion derived from years-long continuous, stubborn quest, not for economic efficiency in cost‐performance but for the ultimate best quality. May you enjoy the second‐to‐none fresh, contemporary analogue sound, different from nostalgic and out‐of‐date feelings, with our peerless valves, where we have poured our vast know‐hows fostered during our long experience in semiconductor production, and the spirit of inexhaustible but meticulous pursuit for supreme quality! Quality Management throughout Production Process Naturally rendered is our strict quality control over all the components at every necessary production stage. A visual inspection is performed with magnifying glasses. To avoid oxidization, rinsed components are put into nitrogen‐gas boxes immediately upon completion shall be assembled within 2 days. A serial number engraved by laser on the upper-plated mica makes it possible to check all the data recorded at the time of manufacture, should a quality problem arise. We make it a simple rule to check with the utmost care all the details in various production processes, even those negligible things that may not directly affect the sonic quality of the products, e.g., employment of spark-free welding. As a result of accumulation of those even seemingly useless improvements/efforts, today we could enjoy the glorious achievement of the stable and high-precision production without quality variation from lot to lot. Virtually, none of defective units are rejected. Characteristics Glass Material and Lead−Free Solder The Kovar glass is totally free from lead thus friendly to environments that stands even the constant heat exceeding 300℃ unlike conventional glasses for valves. The vacuum leakage is prevented by the newly employed Kovar lead-wire that features almost the same thermal expansion coefficient with that of the Kovar glass. The 1.0mm thick, hand-made glass offers effective removal of harmful resonance. Plate (Anode) Custom-ordered special metal processing mill rolls 3-different metals in one layer, which is press-finished with our exclusive mould, thus dramatically enhanced in strength thanks to its robust structure. Spring supporting filament Springs are all scrupulously inspected and chosen among bulk production lots specially produced from exclusive makes using strictly select tungsten wires. Filament Core metal cut out from thin, high-purity Nickel plate offers outstanding heat-resistance, whose shape is specially designed to insure smooth and equal heating without radiation. Grid Grid is made of high-quality tungsten, selected by “dice” jig, and is strictly controlled within ±1µm accuracy at the diameter by means of the winding machine devised inside the factory. Emission Very material that emits the most important electron is firmly guaranteed in respect of both longlife and high reliability.