MATCHED & BALANCED PAIR 6N1P-VI (6N1 / ECC88 / 6DJ8 / 6922) tube. MATCHED PAIR - tubes has identical date code and the same electrical characteristics. Tubes are measured by the professional equipment L1-3 . 6N1P-VI (6H1П-BИ) is a version of 6N1P tube of improved reliability and specially designed for work in pulse mode. It is direct replacement of the chinese 6N1 tube. It may be used as a replacement for the ECC88/6DJ8/6922 tubes, but you have to be careful, because there are some important differences (pinout is the same). The 6N1P-VI's are drawing considerably more heater current, about 600 mA, comparing to the E88CC/6DJ8/6922 tubes, where it is about 365 mA. In some cases, direct replacement without any discussion with the manufacturer of the equipment, may end up with damaging of your equipment. Please discuss this with the manufacturer of the equipment. Most of the reliable manufacturers are mentioning list of tubes which you can roll in your machine, so if there are 6N1P's as an option, you do not need to worry. Tubes were made in Nevz Novosibirsk factory Condition - NOS tubes. Longer time stored items from military surplus. In case of any further questions, you are always welcome!