Jin Chan Hua (Ophiocordyceps Sobolifera, Dried Cicada Fungus, 蝉花) 454g/1 lb Property: Sweet, salty, cold; lung and liver meridians entered. Actions:Dispel wind and heat, promote eruption, improve eyesight and remove nebula, extinguish wind and relieve spasms. Indications -Sore throat, dizziness, infantile convulsions, swelling and pain of eyes, nebula, morbid night crying of babies, the initial stage ofmeasles without adequate eruption, fever, Wind-heat exterior syndrome. - It has multiple effects such as improving immunity, resisting fatigue, protecting kidney, improving sleep, aim at tumor, protecting liver, anti-radiation and improving eyesight; Reduce lipid and blood pressure; Tonifying the liver and improving eyesight; Nourish; Improves kidney function; Aim at tumor - is rich in active ingredients and similar in nutrition to cordyceps sinensis. It is suitable for long-term use as a natural tonic 甘、鹹、寒;入肺、肝經。疏風清熱,透疹,明目消翳,熄風止痙。 適應症 : 用於咽喉腫痛,眩暈,小兒驚風,目赤腫痛,目翳,小兒夜啼,麻疹初期不透,發熱,風熱表證 -具有提高免疫力、抗疲劳、保肾、改善睡眠、抗肿瘤、保肝、抗辐射和明目等多重作用,是神奇的古老中药。降脂降压; 补肝明目; 滋养补益; 改善肾功能 -活性成分丰富,营养成分与冬虫夏草相似,适合长期服用,天然补品 Store at the refrigerator for freshness