Organic Kigelia Africana (African Sausage Fruit ) Powder Karibu Harvest kigelia Africana fruit commonly known as sausage tree is locally grown in Kenya. It is 100% pure it is brown in color we get our product direct from the farmer. It’s fair trade The fruit is harvested cleaned dried and then ground . Kigelia africana (sausage tree), is native to riverbanks, floodplains, open woodlands and savannas from East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa to South Africa. It’s has been used for centuries for it’s high effective herbal properties . It typically grows to 50-60' tall with a stout trunk and rounded to spreading crown. Smooth, gray-brown bark may flake * For men 1 tea tsp a day with water, tea, Juice or Smoothies of your liking. * For women 1tea tsp a day with milk, water,juice or Smoothies of your liking