Matched Pair, Grey Smoked, Brown base Hickok minimum test rating is Gm 2600 (65%) NOS is 4000. These test Gm 4000 / 4300 and Plate Current Milliamps 38 / 40. Matching construction. Test results from a Hickok 539B that was thoroughly overhauled and calibrated 7/2022. Tester warms up for 30 minutes to stabilize before tests. All tubes preheat minimum of 5 minutes before testing. Test is conducted on a fully heated tube. Checked for shorts Gm value Plate voltage I test using digital read outs for accurate A/C voltage adjustment and plate current verification. . My tubes are marked with documented identifiers to prevent false return claims. Shipping Insured Priority Mail. 30 day guarantee on defective tubes. Always free return shipping.